EIPA Written Test and Knowledge Standards
Brenda Schick, Ph.D., working with the EIPA Diagnostic Center at Boys Town National Research Hospital, has developed the EIPA Written Test and Knowledge Standards. This comprehensive multiple-choice test evaluates the interpreter’s understanding of information that is critical to performing with students in an education setting. The test consists of 177 questions and takes approximately one and a half to
three hours to complete. This computer-based test is administered through the Internet.
A passing score on the EIPA Written Test is not needed in order to take the EIPA
Performance Assessment.
EIPA Written Test and Knowledge Standards - Classroom Interpreting
Proctor for New Orleans, LA:
Name: Barbara Lovas
Test Dates:
Phone: 504-722-2967
Email: Info@neworleanssignlanguageservices.com
Registration Form To begin the online registration at find info: https://www.classroominterpreting.org/EIPA/