Dr. Barbara Lovas, Th.D.
Nationally and State Certified Interpreter
RID CI/CT, NAD IV, LCD V, MI Certified
Missouri Licensed
Louisiana Supreme Court Registered
Proctor of EIPA Written
Conference of Interpreter Trainers Member
American Sign Language Teachers Assoc. Member
National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT) Member
Interpreting Services
ASL Tutoring (taught by Deaf and Hard of hearing)
Free Weekly Sign Language Class
Free Interpreter Intern Training
Interpreter Workshops
In-service Workshops and Training
Deaf Advocacy and Resources
Special Services
ASL Programs for New Orleans Charter Schools
I am honored that you are considering my company for your interpreting service needs. New Orleans Sign Language Services, LLC’s mission is to provide the highest quality services for all parties concerned while providing the opportunity for intern interpreters to gain experience while working towards certification.
NOSLS excels in specialization: I believe in old-fashioned customer service and treating others as I would have them treat me. For that reason, NOSLS has a following of happy customers, clients, and contractors.
I understand that hiring interpreters can be expensive but the ADA requires provision to equal access for those who are disabled. Providing an interpreter for the Deaf or hard of hearing is no different than providing an access ramp for those who use a wheelchair. During my meetings and workshops, I find it is often more appropriate to hire an interpreter to interpret for me, even though I can sign for myself. Yes, it is an added expense but is money well spent. Despite the fact that I am a small business owner, I have always been able to afford to pay for interpreters. I consider it not only a way to avoid liability, but part of my cost of doing business ... and of course a tax write off.
Since my goal is to be assured that our community is best served and not to compete with local agencies, NOSLS price quotes may include contact information for other local reputable agencies, along with any resources I may be aware of to meet your needs. That being said, you may opt to not use my services but still take advantage of the free resources and advocacy that I can offer you.
If I can help you in any way to meet your needs in serving the Deaf, hard of hearing, and Deaf/blind community, let me know.
Warm regards,
Barbara Lovas